79 - Lente makes a boat game, while living on a boat

Datum: 22. März 2024 | Dauer: 1:13:19

Lente quit gamedev school to do things her own way. Now she develops her game about a boat on her own little houseboat. We talk about how it is to develop a game on a boat (what's with wifi, backups, power supply, ...?), how her kickstarter went (spoiler: fantastic!) and how it happened that she visited the Spelkollektivet.

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Gäste*Innen dieser Episode (komplette Liste):
Simon TrĂĽmpler

Zeige im Vollbild: Lente’s Intake Assigmment
Screenshot of Lente's project in pixelart style: A wizard stands on a castle on the left in a snowy environment. A blue slime blob comes from the right. The wizard shoots a beam into the clouds to let it snow.
Zeige im Vollbild: Lente’s Boat Phonecase
Photo of a phone case wiht Lente's design: A little half-sunken boat getting overgrown by seagrass.
Zeige im Vollbild: T-Shirt
Photo of Lente. She wears a black shirt with the letters 'Worlds okayest developer. Photo take in front of a mirror. She makes a reverse piece sign with one hand, the other holds her phone to make the photo.
Zeige im Vollbild: Lente’s Boat
Photo of Lente's boat from the outside. Looks like  a cute blueish fisherboat and the walls of the boathouse are beige.
Zeige im Vollbild: Lente’s Boat Before / After
Two photos showing the baren interior of Lente's boat and next to it how cozy it looks now with nice wood, soft carpet and string lights.
Zeige im Vollbild: Spilled Clone
Screenshot of Lente's game and a comparison between a cheaply created clone of her game made for mobile devices.
Zeige im Vollbild: Screenshot Spilled
Screenshot of Lente's game: Top down view. Between green hills with skyscrapers is a lake where a little red boat swims and gathers black oil spills.
Zeige im Vollbild: Lente’s Boat in Simons Game
Screenshot of Simon's pixel art game: A red little boat floating in space in front of reddish nebula clouds. Around the boat are black bubbles of space oil.

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